For good understanding, nothing can be more helpful than real equipment.
There is no packet tracer or gns3 what can replace the feeling and experience gained by plugging in serial cable to enterprise category cisco router, or hear the terrible noise of switches. 🙂 After a little search on my friend Google I found out that setting up a Cisco lab is not that expensive and painful how it seemed at first.
The equipment for my training:
Three cisco 1841 routers – their run the 1941 os so they are fully compatible for CCNA learning.
Three catalyst 2950 series switches, one with gigabit ports
One piece of ASA 5510 firewall for testing and also to try out all the dmz possibilities of this setup
And for the testing the interconnection with some older systems I’v decided to get one LEGACY cisco 2514 router:
After recive I tested all of them, some routers was password protected so the first step was to reset the password on them, what I will describe in another post what you can find here: