Static Routing and Summary route Basic Config

Static routing is likely used routing method in small networks with simple topologies, for quick creation and testing interconnections, and for backup if primary routes fail. Do not use static routing in large networks and networks where are scaling expected. In this example, I will build up a simple network and show static routing, static …
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Turning Off DNS lookup on 1841 routers

Durning testing and configuration, even more during the learning process it happens that by mistake we write a command that looks similar to DNS address. During my experiments it happened to me a lot of times, unfortunately the process of DNS lookup can’t be stopped so I was forced to wait it out. Quiet frustrating, …
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Resetting password on Cisco 1841 Router

If the unfortunate situation happens that the password on Cisco router is forgotten or, like in my case, the newly purchased Lab equipment already have, for us unknown password, we still have an option to reset it. For understanding the procedure we have to see the way how the router is booting up. When we …
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Setting up a Cisco home lab

For good understanding, nothing can be more helpful than real equipment. There is no packet tracer or gns3 what can replace the feeling and experience gained by plugging in serial cable to enterprise category cisco router, or hear the terrible noise of switches. 🙂 After a little search on my friend Google I found out …
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